with his critically-acclaimed,
multi-chakra extravaganza:
"Life Love Sex Death...
and other works in progress"
FREE EVENT! The Foreplay Show!
Save the date and spread the word!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
(Meet the artist/Q&A after the show!)
Where: Yale University - Room SSS 114
Time: 8 PM sharp! (Latecomers will be left outside like bad dogs.)
Please note: Stevie Jay's show is for grown-ups only.
Check out the website!
If you'd like to be added to Stevie Jay's email list for future shows,
click HERE.

"Stevie Jay presents an evening of dangerous hilarity!"
Ray Faiola, CBS, New York
"Stevie Jay exposes the stuff most of us never acknowledge
outside the privacy of our own brains."
Amy Lemley Communications
"Hits so many levels of the human psyche so fast,
there's no time to come up for air!
The money I've been shelling out on therapy would be
better spent seeing this show on a weekly basis."
Glenn Harris, Miki Liszt Dance Company
"No performer has ever had so personal effect on me. Extraordinary!"
Kate Copstick, The Scotsman, UK
"Stevie Jay has invented his own genre of performing!"
Farhad Emad, Tashbain Chronicle, UK
"It would be impossible to advise someone in advance
as to what to expect from Stevie Jay."
Deborah Minsky, Provincetown Banner
"Stevie Jay takes his audiences on a consciousness-raising,
emotional roller coaster ride--
an experience that can only open one's heart."
Professor David Haberman, Indiana University

Naughty, bawdy, soul-searching, and hilarious!
Like the deepest breath you've ever taken."
Yael Ksander, WFIU Radio
"Astonishingly relevant! By all means, see this show!"
Dr. Toby Emert, Department of English, Kennesaw State University
"His points on sexual labeling had
every audience member's head nodding YES!"
Michael Malone, School of Journalism, Indiana University
Stevie Jay holds his audiences in the palm of his hand."
The Independent, London
"This show is mind-blowing and life-altering
and should be booked in every major city across the continent--
and then some!"
Barb Germershausen, Simply Yoga
"Not since Terminator 2 have I seen my husband
so riveted by a performer."
Gigi Payne, Family Preservation Services

Exploding with outrageous monologues, soulful skits, embarrassing observations, and intermittent go-go dancing, Stevie Jay takes audiences on a hilarious trip into the human psyche, painting a picture of Real Life on Earth with personal, uncensored stories about relationships, sex, working out at the gym, working out sexual relationships at the gym, and the endless struggle to remain spiritually-oriented and irresistibly gorgeous at all times.

"Don't miss foreplay on Sunday night!
It'll make Sex Week go ALL the more smoothly for you!"
If you'd like to be added to Stevie Jay's email list for future shows,
click HERE.